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  • Writer's pictureAmelia Sides


Have you ever looked through self help books?

You get a lot of random advise…. I clicked on a link for a book called On My Own: The Art of Being a Woman Alone and was recommended a slew of other books.

Choose to be Happy Flying Solo: Single Woman in Midlife Calling it Quits: Late Life Divorce Thinking About Tomorrow: Reinvent Yourself How Not to Look Old You Do Not Have to be Perfect The Mindful Way Through Depression With or without a Man: taking control of your single life A Woman’s Guide to Living Alone: 10 Ways to Survive Grief Why Good People do Bad Things: and How to Stop Them Sex After Sixty: Better than I thought it would be

Why is it that if you are a single woman you need to be fixed? To everyone you must be the sixty year old spinster with 90 cats that is always alone and crying. Not the 20 something, living on your own, working toward your goals and pursuing the same goals as every other person. You get stereotyped as lonely, awkward, youth who has no friends.

My favorite book that came up was Singled Out: How Singles Are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored, and Still Live Happily Ever After. However, the selections that come after this book are just as bad, nearly all suggest to be single you have to be over 50-60, divorced, and have children (and only suggestion was to get married, get dates, get sex, or get happier).

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