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  • Writer's pictureAmelia Sides

To Do List (September)

Writing To Do List

Remember: Just write it does not matter how it sounds until later. Just get words on the page, we can tweak later.

Work on list of Agents for publication, might as well ebook and try traditional process..

Excel list of agents to contact and their details.

What books have they supported?

Decide who you are going to submit to and start sending them out.

Finish the edit of The Mage’s Daughter .

Publish The Mage’s Daughter as an Ebook. (August)

Type up the edits for this and get Beta reads out again.

Get all your computer files for this organized, not in 8 different places.

Finish writing the sequel for The Mage’s Daughter (On Hold)

Combine old ending into new story. How is this going to change?

Need to write scenes for  

scouting with Aaron

attacks on the Fort

Investigating the dead areas drained of magic

Confrontation with Attacker

Kuro’s death

Traveling to Orlean and entering the Court as a visiting Mage.

Finish writing Blood Work – Detective story (On hold)

What’s the next step for this one? More research?

Need to read “On Killing.”

Finish writing Red

Need to outline to see where this one is going.

Old magics are rising and factions are fighting for stability.

Finish writing Parasol – Steampunk story (On hold)

Missing final scene, check notebooks.

Conversation with Major on Airship.

Finish Fanfiction for Sherlock (On hold)

You know how it is going to end, just write the damn thing.

Finish writing Cheapside – Fantasy (On hold)

Where is this going, needs to be edited and pulled tighter.

Might need a massive edit and rewrite.

Work out an outline and see what still fits.

Finish writing Fanfiction for Avengers

The Road (On Hold)

Aftereffects (In Progress)

How could this one be rewritten as a fantasy?

Person is possessed by demon in parasol universe (Steampunk), saves the world but results in him getting sick. The rest of the team he works with frantically try to find ways to save him without unleashing the demon.

Soldier in a steampunk world. A man who has been fighting in the wars against and alongside Mages gets possessed by a demon or exposed to a toxin that begins to slowly kill him unless he can do certain things to slow it down. Would be a very dark story.

Would he be a good man being infected by evil or an bad/indifferent man forced to clean up his act in order to prevent the evil from taking over?

forced to confront the issues in his life?

Werewolf or vampire story, soldier is infected while taking out those attacking the base.

Would Werewolves be out and a part of normal life or are the still in hiding?

If so are they fighting for their human rights?

How would he be viewed as an infected instead of a born werewolf?

Would he look different? Smell different from born werewolves?

Work on story with Paul

What’s the next step?

Meeting her family and parents? Friends at work?

Mother is head of the household.

Father is proud of her working outside the mines but the traditionalists are disapproving.

Meeting her new partner.

First job together with her partner, cold cases.

Working several cold cases and see a connection between cases?

Work on Vampire Jane Eyre Story

Next step is her meeting the Housekeeper, Staff and Child, setting into the work at the house.

Maddox, the driver meets her to drive to the estate.

What is the family name?

Work on story continuation of reflections using other fairy tales.

Beauty and the Beast

Winds up working in the kitchens of a castle and befriends a fur covered creature who minds the fires and scrubs the castle floors.

Cinderella (dark version)

She comes to a world where the forests are full of fairies and she is warned against making deals with them, they site the recently married Rella as an example. Married the Prince of the realm yet she bleeds just as red in velvet as she does in rags.

Red Riding Hood

Travels to another area and is warned against the wolves in the wood and their leader Red. Werewolves, red was infected when she was attacked.

Straggletag/Sapsorrow (Combine with Beauty and the Beast)

Life and Home

Budget out what will be needed for hiking trips

Canister systems are the heaviest. Wood systems are more expensive. Alcohol is the lightest but easier to have accidents with or to run out of fuel with.

Pot (Use small pot you have or get new system with pot included?)

Need good lighter as well as backup matches.

Start training for your next hiking trip, more walking, more exercise, more steps.

Visit two barns in Gilbert and see about arranging lessons.

Willow Springs Eques.

Carolina Ridge Eques. Center

Instructor Shelli

Need to see if I can get a loan to cover the stupid grant/loan I have to pay back if I sell the condo, ugh.

Fill out the form and get it back to dad.

Need to pull up ivy around the house.

Finish trimming bushes now that they are not blooming.

Get new mat for front door, move other to the back.

Get two placemats for the table, time to stop eating at the computer.

Need to super clean house, family is coming to visit.


Mow the damn lawn.

Work on Instinct once a week with Guitar.

Plan out the next song you want to learn and practice Amazing Grace.

Plan trips out of town soon.

Ceaser’s Head, SC (best in Sept-Nov to see the birds of prey)

Delonaga, GA

Tybee Island, GA

Hunting Island, GA

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