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  • Writer's pictureAmelia Sides

To Do List (August)

Finish the edit of The Mage’s Daughter

Publish The Mage’s Daughter as an Ebook. (July)

Review Smashwords publishing again.

Remember: Just write it does not matter how it sounds until later. Just get words on the page, we can tweak later.

Finish writing the sequel for The Mage’s Daughter, The Mage’s Daughter: Exile (Book 2)

Working on outlining the next few chapters. (in mage box)

Finish writing Blood Work – Detective story (On hold)

Finish writing Fanfiction for Avengers (On hold)

Really fighting with writing the rape scenes, need to just sit down and write.

Work on story with Paul

Need to see if I can get a loan to cover the stupid loan I have to pay back if I sell the condo, ugh.

Fill out form and get back to Dad.

Get the condo clean and ready to be rented. (In progress.)

Work on Instinct once a week with Guitar.

Go for a fucking walk, no one cares what you look like.

Go walking at the zoo and take more pictures.

Plan trips out of town soon.

Folly Beach

Ceaser’s Head, SC (best in Sept-Nov to see the birds of prey)

Delonaga, GA

Tybee Island, GA

Hunting Island, GA

Table Rock

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