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  • Writer's pictureAmelia Sides

Trying to cope.

It has been an utter hell of a week.

I spent most of this morning trying to focus and get things done at work while not curling into a ball of anxiety or starting to cry. Yesterday at work I was thrown to the wolves in several meetings and finally flat out said we are severely understaffed, what would you like me to work on first? Patient Safety or your issues with too many faxes coming through? I hope they got the message.

Snow and the usual Southern panic here added to the stress since we had to move or reschedule meetings for two days while everyone around us panicked. I finally just apologized to my team at work this week since I curse when I am really stressed out and every other word right now seems to be a curse word.

Add in that I am horribly behind on rewriting my Mage novel and the edits needed and it makes for a hell of a mess. I at least managed to block out a general outline of the fight scene I need to write but nothing is really happening in the rest of the writing. I feel like I am just repeating myself.

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